5 Reasons Why You Need Cloud Hosting Solutions
5 Reasons Why You Need Cloud Hosting Solutions
Cloud hosting has become a popular choice among businesses for its flexibility, scalability, and security. Cloud hosting refers to migrating your data, applications, email, or software to the cloud for easy and secure access to data.
Many people compare cloud hosting with traditional hosting. Traditional hosting includes dedicated and shared hosting, however businesses are increasingly seeking alternatives and cloud hosting is a top-tier option with significant short-term and long-term benefits.
In this day and age, cloud hosting has become a common practice as applications are available from multiple computers using the internet and provide ample resources for time-saving and resource-sharing. Cloud hosting solutions can grow with your business needs and provides a spectrum of benefits, so here are the top five reasons why you need cloud hosting solutions in your business:
1. Cost Savings
If you consider your current IT costs, you will see that with the expansion of data storage and hardware comes the responsibility of your IT team to maintain and update your machines. When IT teams regularly manage data storage, significant costs follow.
By offloading your storage, data, and business applications to cloud hosting solutions, you will reduce the amount of investment that you make into IT hardware. Cloud hosting solutions also provide backup, maintenance, and updates to all of your company’s storage requirements, while keeping data safe. If you’re looking for cost-saving opportunities, IT and cloud hosting solutions will help achieve this by maximizing staff usage and reducing ongoing machine costs.
2. Increased Workplace Productivity
Most cloud hosting solutions allow you to outsource IT teams to implement and address any technical issues that you face. By having dedicated teams to ensure that hindrances are promptly addressed, you can save time on rectifying those issues and allow staff to work on projects with minor disruptions.
Furthermore, the cloud encourages employee collaboration in real-time on the web and allows for online document storage. A Cisco study highlighted that collaboration technology helped to increase productivity by 400%. For companies to experience increased productivity is valuable, and an increase in productivity levels at that scale indicates that cloud solutions are highly effective in improving daily efficiencies.
3. Improved Scalability of Resources
Cloud hosting solutions can come in fully managed customer cloud solutions or basic cloud packages designed to meet your needs. What is highly beneficial about a cloud software is the ability for it to be scaled to meet your company’s changing priorities and growth.
As your business grows, the scale of users on the cloud can also change and include more storage, applications and services provided by the host. Additionally, you can upgrade your hosting solutions plan to meet your business requirements which offer enhanced scalability opportunities
4. Greater Data Safety & Security
As we enter an even more tech-savvy world in the coming years, businesses that rely on data for various aspects of the company must ensure that integrity is maintained. With technology being unpredictable cloud hosting solutions allow for data to be safely backed-up.
According to RapidScale, 94% of businesses experienced improvements in safety after switching to the cloud. Companies now have more confidence knowing their private documents and data are secured, with minimized risk of hackers.
Furthermore, Cloud hosting solutions automate data backups to assure no data is ever lost. Data can also be mirrored at multiple redundant sites on the cloud provider’s network. This allows for any lost data to be recovered efficiently, providing your business with the ability to continue day-to-day activities irrespective of any disturbances.
5. Convenience & Collaboration
The typical data and applications in local systems are limited by location constraints. With cloud hosting solutions, your company can access data at anytime from anywhere in the world. Users with permission and a connected device can easily review the company data and work with remote employees.
Cloud hosting solutions also improve workplace collaboration with real-time edits and document sharing. This increases workplace convenience for staff and facilitates stronger team collaboration, and in turn, streamlines daily processes.
As cloud hosting solutions offer an abundance of benefits, it is anticipated that many more businesses will switch to cloud hosting for enhanced workplace productivity, collaboration, and data security, as well as cost-savings and scalability. With the cloud, businesses don’t have to worry about expanding to new locations and can access multiple platforms from any location, allowing them to customize their work environment to meet all business requirements.
To learn more about cloud hosting solutions, contact our cloud hosting specialists at Metnology.